He was with his Wife and was kinda surprised to see each other. And we just pretended to be cool ... which we are .
His family was sitting a few tables away from mine .. and we went abt our doing our own things.
Knowing that he could see me, I kinda flashed him while crossing my legs ;-). Was wearing a short dress, so I'm sure he saw wat I did.
Then I noticed him getting up to get desserts for his family and took the opportunity to text him. Hubby asked me who I was texting but just said I needed to reply my Sister. ;-)
Anyway, he said he saw me flashed him and I was wearing my white gstring. He said he got hard immediately. Then I said this panty is not reserved for anyone so if he wants it, I could pass it to him... and of course he accepted it!
As he's a regular, I trusted him to pay me later, so I told him to go to the toilet outside the foodcourt and wait there.
And so i excused myself, to the ladies. Once inside, I rubbed myself a little just to make sure my scent is properly absorbed and put it into a Ziplock. (I always have extra Ziplock in my bag.. for cases like this ). Then I went out and he was there waiting. I walked pass him and just handed him the bag (kinda like a drug deal going on) and smile and walked on.
He just took the bag and quickly put into his pocket and we went back to our tables. Deal done ;-)
Once back home , he texted me. Said that was very thrilling and the way we did it, made the panty scent even more addictive for him.. he said he jerked off twice just thinking how exciting it was ... asked me to check my account and .. wow, he gave a big tip as well ;-)
I just enjoy such support and respect from my buyers ... so yeah, the white Virgin gstring ... is sold. :)