Saturday, 30 June 2018

How I started with BIL - Part 2

Hi guys sorry for the delay. Was kinda busy at work and didn’t have time to update. Hehehe .. u all must be excited to find out what happen ya?

Well… here goes …. 

So on Sunday was a pretty routine day .. kids enrichment etc, and in law also tagged along since he didn’t have any Programme. 

Anyway, nothing much happened in between. Was pretty normal and we were just hanging out. Then came dinner time , we all went someplace nice to eat. I was still wearing my camo dress. So at the dinner table .. I purposely sat across him. I kept sneaking glances at him. And whenever I caught his eye, I would smile at him. I felt he was kinda embarrassed coz whenever he saw me doing that, he would look away quickly. Too bad during dinner, couldn’t flirt much. 

So after that , we went to the car. Hub was driving and my kid wanted to sit in front .. so I was at the back seat with my BIL (bro in law). I took the chance to get into the car at the same side as him. Being a gentleman, he let me go in first. So, I got into the car, 1 leg in and followed by the other. By doing that , my skirt would surely hike up, and exposing myself. And yes , I saw his eyes looking below at me .. and I did it slowly … he definately saw me zao Geng 😝.. plus my pink g was so striking in Color.. even the blind would be able to see it. Heheeh😏

So I moved all the way in and he got in and off we drove. As we drove, I was pretending to be looking out the window. And I purposely didn’t cross my leg. I just sat with my legs apart. Looks very “chor Lor” but I didn’t care … he couldn’t see inside but I’m sure he saw my legs apart.. hoping to make him feel excited … hoping that he crave to see more of what’s under my dress. I then turn to him and smile and he smile back. Didn’t say a word. 

Then when we reached home, we took turns to shower. I showered first and washed my gstring and left it in the toilet to dry. Then I asked if my BIL would like to use our toilet since the other one was occupied by my hub. He likes to sit on the toilet bowl for a Long time. So I knew he will be inside for at least 20mins 

So I let my BIL use my toilet. He grabbed his towel and went in. I know my gstring was hanging inside. I want him to see it. So he was showering as I was just outside , tryin to hear what’s he doing … I then took off my bra and wore my shirt. 

Then as he stepped out of the shower, he was wrapped with his towel… he saw me outside and he was stunned. 

His body looked so yummy for a guy his age. And his towel couldn’t hide the shape and size of his cock. Obviously .. he was kinda excited by what he saw, and he was embarrassed. He said he didn’t expect me to still be in the room. I said to him “well this is my room where I change , why can’t I be here” and smile at him. He wanted to walk out quickly but I made a daring move… I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. He almost dropped his towel but he managed to hold on. I planted a kiss on his lips. Didn’t know what got into me. But I was turn on by him. … i told him I was Glad that he’s here to stay over with us .. after I kissed him … he pulled himself away. His cock was sticking out from the towel as my hands brushed against him … coz when I kissed him, I pressed my body against his .. making sure he felt my braless boobs. … 

He then said he needed to put some clothes on.. before my hub came out. He said he didn’t want to let my hub see that he’s also turned on by me and he got hard …

As he walked out, he turn to me and said … “love the Colours that u wear for your panties.. very sexy ” .. “I don’t think I can sleep tonite , and I won’t be locking my door, just in case u Need to to talk ..”. He said with a wink.😉

I was feeling excited by what he said … and by this time , hubs was out the toilet, just in time for me to put my bra back on..

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How I started with BIL - Part 2

Hi guys sorry for the delay. Was kinda busy at work and didn’t have time to update. Hehehe .. u all must be excited to find out what happen...