Thursday, 27 July 2017

Back from USA...!

Hi guys. Finally some time to update. :) been busy shopping and doing the tourist thingy. 

My virgin trip to USA. flight there was looonggg... :-( but still bearable. Wanted to try having sex and joining the mile high club ... (that's my fantasy..) but didn't have a chance la. Was a full flight ... and those Americans don't really sleep ... hahaha 

But managed to make out and had my pussy teased... but too bad, no action after that la ... maybe try it on the way back tomorrow ;-). 

Boston is a very nice city. Safe and clean. Love it. Typical American food... so I miss my chicken rice :-(, my Bak Chor Mee, curry , Zi char, etc. They have Asian food here la ... but but ... nothing compare to home. 

All kinds of people here .. blacks , whites ... some good looking ... some normal.. nothing that caught my eye. The weather here is pretty warm.. wear my tight t-short and shorts ... and my thongs. 

Shopping here is pretty good. The Malls have pretty cheap and nice clothes. Bought my cheeky and sexy thongs and gstring ... will post up and available for sale when I get back ;-). Love the designs ... have a few cotton thongs for those who like to see me in cotton... can absorb more of my sexy scent ;-)

Basically , I'm a regular girl here la. A lot of younger ladies here .. Guess the culture more open. They wear short sun dresses and thongs .. and it's like pretty normal even if it's upskirt... hahaha Guess they are used to it. 

So .. too bad no American hunk came up to me or check me out wahahaha... not sexy for them la 

Had A lot catch up sex here ;-). Esp on the bathroom of the hotel. Love being doggied while standing ... and feeling my boobs bouncing. .. 

So u guys missed me huh?

1 comment:

  1. your hub is lucky to bump you in the bathroom!



How I started with BIL - Part 2

Hi guys sorry for the delay. Was kinda busy at work and didn’t have time to update. Hehehe .. u all must be excited to find out what happen...