Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Yummy daddy

Share something with you all...

For the past weeks, there’s this guy whom will fetch his kid from school, the same time as me. I’ve seen him before once awhile in the past. But now, he’ll be there the same time as me when I fetch mine.

So now when he sees me, he will smile at me. As courtesy, I’ll smile back la. Anyway, realised that his kid is the same class as mine. So, now he will make some small talk with me... talking abt kids , abit of work etc. Nothing serious ... nothing flirty.

He’s pretty cool looking. :) the kind I like ... tall , well maintained and also have shaven head. Similar to Mr C ... hehehe. I can’t help but wonder if now he purposely changed his timing just to bump into me .. hehe

Anyway, now our small talk has some flirty words ... he would say, “good to see you here “ or “your kid so pretty, just like the mommy” ... hahah well, I smiled back at him and also said “ya .. yr kid also like cool daddy ..” etc. And as usual, I’m always in my short dresses or short skirts.

Last week, I caught him peeping at me when our kids came out. I usually have to help my kid put on her shoes .. so I’ll either be squatting down, or half kneeling.

As u all know, short skirts will hike up and my panty would easily be exposed. So that day, I could see from the corner of my eye that we was checking me out. I was half kneeling and I’m sure he was looking at my panties. After that, I’ll tell ya kid to say goodbye to her Friend and daddy. He would reply ..” see you tommrow”. He also ask his Son to say “goodbye to the pretty mummy”. Hahaha.. then he would follow me down to the carpark. 

So now, his car is always parked next time mine. As I was about to get in ... he would be the “gentleman” to allow me to get into my car first. But I realised that he was waiting for me to get in .. and see me zao Geng. I think he must have seen it before and only now I realise his intention. Coz when I get into the car, I’ll do it the “ah Lian” way... 1 leg in first ... when I do that , I’m fully exposed.

So this time, I know it and decided to flash him. I got in slower than usual.. my legs were spread open.. 1 leg in the car, the other still outside. And I said “ hey, see you” and winked at him. At that point , I clearly saw his eyes fixated at my panty. I was wearing my red gstring. And when I said hey, he looked like he was “awaken” hahaha ... he just smiled after that.

So it’s kinda fun to tease him. I bet he got a hardon seeing me. So now, he’s always there the same time as me.

He’s not asked for my contact yet , but maybe I can hint to him to text me? I have this crazy fantasy ... to go early before our kid finish school and full around abit befroe we fetch them ... pretending nothing happen. Or maybe to go without my panties .. and flash him my smooth pussy? How would u react to that??

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to how you flash your smooth pussy. I'm sure I'll be delighted and gulping when you do that.



How I started with BIL - Part 2

Hi guys sorry for the delay. Was kinda busy at work and didn’t have time to update. Hehehe .. u all must be excited to find out what happen...